Pixel-Perfect IT Services

Macintosh Services

Macintosh Services


If you need Apple Macintosh support, you’ve come to the right place. For more than 20 years, businesses have relied on our knowledge, innovation and professionalism.


We put Macs to work

While there are many IT solutions providers in the Upstate, few truly specialize in Apple Macintosh support for business. For more than 20 years, TechGraphics’ owner Pete Martin has been the go-to guy for Mac support for Mac-centric businesses. We’ve managed IT services for newspapers, graphic designers, law firms and insurance companies across the Southeast. 

For individuals, the Apple Genius Bar may be a good solution, but it and other home-centric shops often don’t understand the needs of small businesses. We do, because — like you — we use Macs every day. To write. To edit. To design. To build websites. To edit photographs. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you optimize the efficiency of your Macs — and your employees — and see an improved return on your IT investment.




We don’t just dump software on a computer. We configure your Mac’s operating system for optimal performance for your business. Then, we configure the software you use to work efficiently and effectively. We make sure printers work properly. And, if you need new equipment, we will find the best solutions.


We’ll make sure your software is up-to-date or, in some cases, not updated for compatibility with third-party systems. We’ll make sure your software plays well together and is optimally configured. We’ll keep track of licensing. And we offer training in Adobe CC, Quark, Suitcase, Pitstop and other design software. 


We know color. Whether you work in commercial printing or are a photographer, we can optimize your workflow to give you better screen-to-proof-to-print accuracy through basic or advanced calibration. We are also familiar with prepress solutions from Kodak (Prinergy), ECRM, Agfa and others. » Find out more about color.




For businesses like printers, agencies and small newspapers with predominantly Mac-based users, a Mac server can be a smart option, offering significantly faster searches, for example, for Mac users. With no per-user licensing fees, costs can be significantly lower than for a similar Windows server.


It’s important to use business-class backup software if you’re running a business. Eventually, even the best equipment will fail. Are you prepared? For more than 20 years, we’ve used Retrospect software on Macs and PCs — a trusted, reliable business-class backup solution that will give you peace of mind.


Some companies, like newspapers, often rely on older Macs for compatibility with older, legacy software. We’re experts in keeping these older machines alive — and useful. We even have refurbished Mac G5s available for purchase that can keep legacy software — even Mac OS9 Classic — running.